
I have some theories on life. Some of them are rather ridiculous and more just for fun. Like for example, I don't believe in ugly people. I know, sounds crazy and you're all about to pull out your favorite people of walmart photo to prove me wrong but I just don't believe in them. With the right haircut, enough gym time, and possibly a visit to the Mac counter, average is so very achievable! Another theory I have is that some jeans are so good looking that you just should not have to wear a shirt with them. Now notice I said should not, instead of do not. I have never actually put this theory into practice and have no intentions of walking around anywhere half dressed nor do I condone it. But tell me you've never had one of those moments searching through your closet finding absolutely nothing to wear and then suddenly you get one of those cartoon character lightbulbs and settle on your favorite pair of Hudsons. Perfect. But then you have to find a top! And you just want to say "No. These are good enough." And if you don't plan on exiting your bedroom anytime that day, then maybe they are. Just saying.

But some of my theories are real, and just the way I deal with life. My third theory is that I do no believe in bad things happening (Of course this is a false theory because bad things do happen).But I am determined that bad things in my life are completely controllable by how I choose to see them. Like oops I gained a couple pounds? Great! Thats exactly the motivation I needed to take my running to the next level.Sort of an extreme form of "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade." When I was younger my family always flew standby and consequently spent hours upon hours in airports. Standby is pretty tricky when you have four kids. Lemons. But for some reason I developed this passionate love for airports. Any time there is a delay or I have to wait for the next flight I get this little thrill. You mean we have all this time where we are forced to sit here and do absolutely nothing but relax? Sweet! There are so many books to read, so many tabloid headlines to laugh at, so many little snacks to choose from that you would never allow yourself to purchase otherwise! What an adventure! See? Lemonade. Or like the time I got rejected from the BYU nursing program on the first try and I acted out this whole teenage angst running-through-the-woods-crying scene in River Legacy because I thought my life was over. Lemons. But then I registered for 15 credits of grueling courses such as figure skating and floral design and spent the semester going on three dates a week before I reapplied. And my scholarship paid for every penny of it! Well except for the dinners, the boys paid for those. Now that was some serious lemonade. And just ask me to do a pirouet. I dare you.
But let's not discount the lemons. Because in those first moments, it really does feel like a disaster. That interim time before you can think how to add the sugar to get your lemonade, all you can think is that the sky is crashing in on you!

Well ladies and gentlemen, Evan and I are going to have to open up a lemonade stand for this one. Let me introduce you to our newest lemon:

Oh did I say it feels like the sky is falling? Sorry. Let me rephrase that. It is falling. It fell. See that stuff on the floor? Yeah that used to be the ceiling. The ceiling three stories above us that is. A pipe burst in Chris and Sarah's bathroom while we were gone flooding the house and collapsing three stories of ceiling and floors into the living room and kitchen of our basement apartment, not to mention the four inches of standing water through out the entire house. Imagine their shock when they finally made it back from our ten day camping trip and opened their front door to find that they no longer had a floor, but instead a window to our living room! Sweet. I always liked sky lights.

So....Welcome back! Did I say I was tired of camping? Because that tent is looking real good right about now.

Which leads me to my last theory on life, and this is the one Heather and I share. Life is all about the stories you get to tell for living through it. Like the time I knocked over my stationary bike in spin class and thanks to my trusty new click in shoes I stayed attached to it the whole way down. Or like the time I ran into Evan in the library while we were broken up and ended up stripping in the girls bathroom waving my shirt around like a maniac to get rid of the all encompassing nervous sweat stains before he could notice. See? Those nightmares make great stories! And I'm sure this will be a great one someday too. But for now I'll just have to leave you with

to be continued...

P.S. Feel free to stop by! I'm sure we'll be serving up lemonade for just about the entire forseeable future :) but bring your own sugar because I seem to be running short.


  1. are all of your belongings ruined? that looks absolutely un-fun.

  2. oh my gosh...Kam...those pictures make me ache for you! let us know what the lemonade ends up being lol love you!

  3. Oh my goodness! If you need anything, let me know! I can't even imagine...

  4. Wow. You are right that this will be a good story in the future.

    P.S. Standby is NOT FUN when you have a little kid with you. Flying in general isn't awesome, but standby is worse. But at least the ceiling in the airplane usually stays up. Knock on wood...we're flying tomorrow...

  5. I have to admit "Or like the time I got rejected from the BYU nursing program on the first try and I acted out this whole teenage angst running-through-the-woods-crying scene in River Legacy because I thought my life was over," sent me into a fit of giggles...

    and then I scrolled down.

    Not fun at all! :(

  6. You have handled this like a champ, though!! You are a GREAT lemonade maker and I LOVE that about you! Just know you have a million people who love you and are willing to help in any way possible so keep us all posted, Dear!! LOVE YOU!

  7. oh my goodness. bless your hearts!!!!!!!!!

  8. That was certainly a BIG glass of lemonade. But you guys will come out great. I am sure you'll find a place to live that you love and find some good deals on adorable replacement items. Wish I were there to do some shopping with you! I know the heartbreaking part is all the items that can't be replaced. I am just so impressed you had renter's insurance. We have never had any, maybe it's time? :) Your attitude during a trial is everything, you should be proud of yourself! Love you!

  9. How in the world? this is ridiculous! Keep making that lemonade!

  10. you are such a champ, kam!! And this is likely to be the best story of your newlywed life :) love you!

  11. Thanks for all your love!! Delaney, yes most all of our furniture and kitchen stuff was destroyed but luckily the ceiling didn't fall in our office or bedroom so we were able to save a few things like our bed and clothes. Britty, yes let me put a plug in for renters insurance! Get it!! Otherwise we would have been completely up a creek... Instead of just partially ;) updates to follow...

  12. Ahh!!! Kamille I am so sorry, but you really have the best attitude. Thanks for always being such a good example of how to have a positive attitude. Let us know if we can do anything to help!

  13. Does your current search for sugar mean it will be a few weeks until you share any lemon(ade) stories about camping? :(


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