Cosette: 8 Months
Shopping cart ride
{not sure why I found this so entertaining but she kept doing it before she figured out how to crawl. We'll be workout buddies some day.}
Diapers: Size 2
Clothes: mostly size 3-6 months, we're breaking out the 6-12 months just now.
Weight: She weighed 13 lbs 8 oz when we went in for her sinus infection at 7 months
Favorite things
Anything on a string- which is most often Mommy's necklace.
"Sliky"- her tiny satin blanket that puts her right to sleep when she rubs her face in it
Sibling moments:
I often have Mommy guilt over Cosette, when Winston was her age he got 100% of my attention. Now that he's 2 1/2 he definitely requires 100% of my attention and Cosette is often just along for the ride. One of my friends told me that while Winston was lucky to get all my attention, Cosette is luckier because she gets the love of a sibling and that's so true. Winston ADORES her and wants her with him in his room or in the basement wherever he is playing. He's always trying to make her laugh or telling her to "Dance Cozy Mae!"
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