Real Life

So.... marriage is hilarious and people don't warn you about that. They don't tell you that you will end up turning your shower on with needle nose pliers every morning. Or that even though you personally think you are a great cook... you should probably just go ahead and open the windows beforehand because you will burn the dinner anyway. And they don't tell you not to walk around in your underwear because you will have unexpected visitors... like your husband's Grandma who you have never met. Or your Bishop. Or, you know, both.

But they do tell you that married life is so much better than single life and they are right about that. Living with someone whose sole purpose in life is to make me happy? Sign me up! Someone who watches my favorite movie with me even though I've already seen it a million times. Someone who surprises me with roses "just because". Someone who takes me on Sunday picnics in the fall colored canyon.

So its actually kind of fun that they don't tell you what you're in for for the rest of your life. And sometimes even in just one weekend.


  1. I love that you LOVE your life! happy right now. Seriously...I don't know where this picture came from but it is amazingly gorgeous! Even Liz came home asking me if I'd seen it. LOVE YOU CUTE COUSIN! Now, come over and see me again while your husband gets his hair did. THANKS LOVE!

  2. Um....I'm really excited to get married! And I'm glad we share embarrassing underwear stories.

  3. I agree with Heather, what a beautiful shot of you cute people! That is one to frame!

  4. No Fair! Y"all get the most beautiful fall colors!! LOVE< LOVE the picture!
    LOVE that you are being humbled by imperfection!!!! We all need that sometimes, but I LOVE even more that married life is so AWESOME for you!!

  5. amazing picture...and amazing perspective.

  6. It is so true!! It happens a lot, the first year is the biggest "they don't tell you anything" year.


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