Take your Viagra to Work Day

Headed to a patient's home at 10 am to draw mornings labs.

Patient's 60-ish year-old husband answers the door wearing nothing but boxers.

Husband: "Oh hi! Did you bring me some Viagra?"

Me: "Umm , no."

Husband: " Oh, you know what, that's alright. I won't need it with you. I need it for the old ugly nurses, but with you I'd be just fine."

Me: {totally ignoring that statement} "Yeah. I'm here to see your wife, is she here?"

Husband: "Yeah.... I guess I'll go put my pants on before I start getting horny."

Me: "Good idea."


But seriously, I do love my job. Hilarious.


  1. Time for Evan to get you a special nurses bottle o' pepper spray!


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