Insta Holiday

Decorating the tree with my little. This was our first tree.... it actually died after 5 days and Evan went back to Home Depot and requested a new one and they gave it to him no problem ha!
Riding the Polar Express to meet Santa and baby Jesus all in one night!

The Lone Peak White Elephant party, very entertaining and so fun to see the other wives! We don't get together often enough.
1. The seminary teacher's house ( room for 10 kids) 2. The finance major's house (practical with a pool) 3. The musician's house (creative brains) 4. The unemployed's house (igloo?)

We decided to forgo our usual white elephant party and did a dinner and gingerbread house competition with some of our favorite couples instead. I couldn't have enjoyed the night any more. Love these people so much and we are excited for all their new adventures ahead but sad to say goodbye!

I was so excited to buy this for Win but he isn't quite sure what to do with it... he can't bounce kick or throw these toys so he's not too interested. Maybe next year!

Shopping with Mommy! This errand session reminded me why I purchased 90% of my Christmas gifts online. Amazon prime is a life saver. I finally turned his car seat around because I couldn't handle the fight every time we got in and out of the car. You are supposed to wait until they are 2 years old but sometimes Mom's sanity wins.

Our very first attempt at Christmas cards...Merriest Christmas from the Fox family! I grossly underestimated how many of these we would need so if you didn't receive one in the mail, please consider this our heartfelt holiday wish to you and your family, we love you! Thanks for staying in touch with us through the blog!
