An excerpt from...
The Book of Fox
1.And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from aS&I that all the Utah Valley Area teachers should sing. For in that same year The Lord did send forth prophets, yay even bElder Anderson, to preach unto the employees of the church and wouldst that they should make a sound with the musical cinstruments of God.
2. And so it was that Evan and his aespoused wife Kamille heeded the call and did covenant to attend choir practices for three weeks. And bmany did watch Winston, yay even unto his mother's father's mother, that his parents may accept the call to sing;
3. And thereafter the teachers and secretaries and their spouses did join together and lift up their voices in singing praises unto The Lord, yay even aJesus, Once of Humble Birth. And the choir director did hear their words and did say unto them, yay if ye were skilled in singing ye needst sing very well to be pleasing unto The Lord, however, ye are slow of song and therefore The Lord will make weak things become strong unto you.
4. And the choir did pray mightily unto God that he might know of their plight, for on the first day of choir practice, they did ask of Evan, are ye a tenor or are ye a bass, and Evan thought as if their language was confounded and knew not what to say unto them.
5. And we did receive multitudes of emails with adress codes and recordings of songs that we might listen and understand how to sing praises unto The Lord. And Evan did sing often unto The Lord yay, even in his car, and in his shower, and in his kitchen, and in all places did he practice his musical sound.

1a Seminaries and Institutes, see Evan's Job
1b of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
1c organ of the Salt Lake Tabernacle
2a August 20, 2010
2b Grandma and Grandpa Hutchinson, Heather, Chad and Sarah Spizter
3a Hymn number 196, see Motab
5a Jewel tones, see What the Heck Does that Mean?
6a Hymn number 85, see Motab
6b 180 S 900 W SLC, see tacos al pastor
HA! Love this.
ReplyDeleteThis right here was pure genius. So funny!