Cosette: 4 Months

Did I mention already this girl is an angel? Oh how we adore her! Cosette still loves to be held and snuggled most every day and I'm still really enjoying that. Just this week we finally moved her out of our room {and bed!} into her nursery and we're all sleeping much better although she eats throughout the night. She's still in her craddle instead of the crib but one step at a time! We've decided to give up on bottle training after two horrendous weeks and just wait it out for solid foods and sippy cups. She's started talking and laughing lots and is a dream to have at church, so very easy to keep her happy. She eats every 2-3 hours and is great at taking naps 3 times a day, a short morning nap about an hour after she wakes up, an afternoon nap in sync with Winston's {praise heaven!} and an evening cat nap before going to bed at nine. She continues to grow her ridiculous curly eye lashes, is full of smiles, and can roll from her tummy to her back and is trying really hard to flip the other way too but hasn't quite mastered it yet.
Favorite things:
Baby Gym- I went to Buy Buy Baby looking for one of these and they are outrageously overpriced. I found this one on Amazon for $25 and she adores it, especially the elephant. I love to watch her bat at the toys and talk to them. It doesn't have anything that sings and lights up or needs batteries which is I suppose why it was only one third the price of the others but I'm realizing that's the kind of toys I prefer anyway!
Pearl Bracelet: This is my other favorite item recently, the precious pearl bracelet you can see in all the pictures that she never takes off. It is so dainty just like her!
TBA... doctors appointment later this week
Laugh: Dad tickling her tummy and she giggled for the first time. Joy!
Cousin: Cosi Mae met her future partner in crime, cousin Truman, over Christmas. He's just two months younger {but already bigger} and I can't wait to see them play!

Sibling Moments
Winston has finally realized that Cosette is a human and now loves to make her laugh or "read her books" or hold her while he watches a movie.
She is still working on playing "catch" with him... sorry bud she's got a while before that happens!
She is so so so cute!!! And toys that don't have batteries or make noise? Yes. Always yes.