Farewell {for now} McKayla!!
Dear Sister Beardall,
We just wanted to be the very first ones
to write you a letter and say how excited we are for the start of your
new adventure!! Australia is so lucky to have you and we will miss you
terribly {especially Winston} but this is the best reason ever to leave
your loved ones behind temporarily. Evan teaches around 400
students a year so he has taught thousands of youth by now, but you and
your siblings are truly something special. We can't express enough
gratitude for the way you have enveloped our little ones in love over
the past year. You are so kind and thoughtful with them and they get so
excited when you come over to play. Knowing I am leaving my kids with
someone who cares about them and teaches them the same way I would has
been the greatest relief! I love to hear Winston tell me how much fun he
had when we get home, and we have loved getting to hear all he details
as you planned for you mission. I know God has prepared you for the work
you have ahead, and I feel like I'm living quite the charmed life to
get to peak in on your experiences through your emails. You've become
part of our family and you've got big things ahead, but just in case
you're occasionally dying to revisit this part of your life after the
next 18 months, don't worry because Winston will only be 4 1/2 so we'll
still need a babysitter ;) Take the gospel to those in Australia who are
searching for God and with your beautiful smile and cheerful, creative spirit they won't be
able to resist! We love you!! Look for letters and pictures in your
mailbox soon!!
The Fox Family
know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not
glory in myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me;
yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the
hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."
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