California Camping

Today my littles insisted on wearing their matching California shirts again, never one without the other. And then this afternoon, Cosette checked out a book at the library entitled "Do Princesses make Happy Campers?" and so I had to pull out my camera and double check- were the Redwoods really the best week of their lives or was that just a dream? The wilder-world and I had a breakthrough this year. She commanded my children to sleep through the night and they silently obliged. In sleeping bags, in a tent, one next to the other clinging to their magical glow sticks and dreaming until the delightful hour of 8 am which has never happened before, nor since. She swept off the stiff fog that almost invariably hides the coast we come to see, and every day really boasted her beauty. I love the visual story telling that ended up locked in my lens. I left that place with a bucket list dream to purchase a pop-up camper and pledge my allegiance to the primitive life. You know... for long weekends and such.

 One year olds playing catch- the struggle has never been so real.

 "This guy's with me and he's nuts!" -Winston

 Cosette's fan club
